What is FoLA?
Friends of Liverpool Airport (FoLA) was formed in 1980 by a small group of people with a genuine interest in the Airport’s well-being. Whilst many airports have objector or pressure groups against them, Liverpool John Lennon Airport is almost unique in having a Friends association. FoLA is an independent, voluntary, and non-political organisation with around 400 members, mostly from the North West of England, yet with significant numbers spread across the UK and overseas.
Aims and Objectives
FoLA has four clear objectives:
- To promote the use of and the need for Liverpool John Lennon Airport
- To encourage the development and improvement of the Airport and its facilities
- To educate public opinion about the Airport and services from it
- To promote civic pride in Liverpool John Lennon Airport
How We Do This
These objectives are put into practice in a variety of ways and we will assist the Airport to develop its potential in any way that we are able to. For example we assist the Airport at travel shows and exhibitions either by providing extra pairs of hands or running the events ourselves. We set up exhibitions in factories and offices and help to keep the Airport in the public spotlight by correspondence and meetings with the press and media. Members regularly provide assistance to groups of special needs passengers passing through the Airport on Pilgrimage flights to Lourdes and other similar destinations.
Education and Tours
Members of FoLA staff the increasingly popular tours and educational activities offered by the Airport to schools, colleges and other groups by giving presentations on the history, development and services available and by conducting landside tours of the Airport. For more information about this, click here.
We hold monthly meetings at the Airport on the first Tuesday of each month, open to all members, which provide an opportunity to obtain up to the minute news on airport activities, operators and special offers etc. There is often a speaker from an airline, the Airport, or activities related to the airport, in attendance to answer questions.
FoLA produces a substantial quarterly newsletter called 09/27 (the runway orientation) which is sent out free to all members. This can be in printed format or as an electronic copy depending on option chosen when joining or renewing membership. Members are encouraged to contribute articles related to the airport or on other aviation matters.
Special events and trips
From time to time we have the opportunity to take part in events or visits to locations of interest both locally and further afield. In the past we have been able to arrange flights on various aircraft including, Concorde, BAe146, DC3 Dakota, Embraer145, F50 and Dash 7 and chartered aircraft and utilised scheduled services for day trips/tours and weekend breaks.
Contact FOLA
If you would like to learn more about FOLA, including membership enquiries, please contact FOLA directly via email to 0927friendsofliverpoolairport@gmail.com

At the Airport
From fragrances in World Duty Free, currency at Travelex, to a bite to eat at the Kissing Gate- you'll be spoilt for choice for shopping at Liverpool John Lennon Airport.

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Security Information
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