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An emergency exercise is being staged over 2 days at Liverpool John Lennon Airport starting this evening 18th November at 7:30pm and lasting for 2 hours and then continuing on Sunday 23rd November between 10:30am – 12:30pm.

The exercise has been planned as a means of testing and exercising Liverpool John Lennon Airport’s emergency plan along with those of other agencies following a full scale emergency incident at the Airport.

Around 50 volunteers will be taking part on Sunday and a significant number of emergency services personnel will also be participating throughout this exercise. The Airport will however be operating ‘business as usual’ on both parts occasions and no passengers or airlines will be affected by the training taking place.

It is not unusual for the Airport to carry out such an exercise as it is a requirement by the Civil Aviation Authority for Airport’s such as Liverpool to hold a full emergency exercise every two years.

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